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OrgChartHub HubSpot Setup Guide

Already connected? Prefer to watch a video? Watch our onboarding video here.

1. Connect your HubSpot account

Connect your HubSpot account using the connect button below (don't worry, it'll open in a new window so that you can keep these instructions handy).

Connect HubSpot account

2. Login to your HubSpot account

Use your usual HubSpot login here. There are no extra logins to manage with OrgChartHub.

3. Select your HubSpot account

If you only have one HubSpot account this step will be skipped automatically.

4. Confirm permissions

OrgChartHub is designed to work with your HubSpot CRM as the source of truth, keeping the data under your ownership as much as possible.

Unlike other integrations that just extract your data from the CRM, we need to use quite a few HubSpot APIs to achieve this!

Prefer to learn by watching OrgChartHub in action?

The rest of the OrgChartHub setup is also covered in our onboarding video, so feel free to watch below. If not, keep scrolling for more step-by-step screenshots.

5. Open OrgChartHub from the HubSpot sidebar

You can find the OrgChartHub app in the HubSpot sidebar for any Company, Contact or Deal in your HubSpot account.

6. That’s it, get charting!

Now you’ve located the companies and contacts that are important to you...

  • Your sales team can make the most of their business trips
  • Your marketing team can executate on localized campaigns
  • Your customer success team can invite relevant customers to local events

Uninstalling OrgChartHub

If for any reason you need to uninstall OrgChartHub then you can do so within your HubSpot integrations settings page.

  • You can find this page by opening HubSpot and navigating to Settings > Integrations > Connected Apps.
  • Uninstalling OrgChartHub will not affect your HubSpot data in any way. If you wish to reinstall OrgChartHub then you can connect on the website again (or follow the setup guide above).
  • Unfortunately we do not get notified that you’ve uninstalled OrgChartHub, so if you have an active subscription with us then please let us know that you’ve have disconnected OrgChartHub from your HubSpot portal. You can email us at dan@orgcharthub.com or austin@orgcharthub.com and we’ll help you out. 🙂